In Loving Memory - Panelist Martin Bosworth

In Loving Memory - Panelist Martin Bosworth
January 25, 1975 - February 17, 2010

27th Annual MCM Monty Awards

My lovely wife and I were among those in attendance at the 2012 MCM Monty Awards last night.   This annual event celebrating Montgomery Community Media volunteers and producers was held in Germantown, Maryland at the Black Rock Center for the Arts.  Blackrock was the venue for last year's awards and attendees were delighted that MCM was able to secure it again.  MCM is one of FANTASTIC FORUM's valued broadcast partners through whom we reach our audience.  In this case located in Montgomery County, Maryland.

For the second consecutive year FANTASTIC FORUM was honored as the recipient of the Monty for BEST ARTS & HUMANITIES PROGRAM.  This award is a testimony to the dedication and hard work of all the talented individuals who have given their time and creativity the show.  All talent and crew share equally in this wonderful recognition.  

Awards are great, but the stalwart crew won't be resting on their laurels.  We are committed to producing the best content, highest quality program possible for our viewers.  And we'll deliver the goods in the upcoming fourth season.  Keep watching, the best is yet to come!

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