In Loving Memory - Panelist Martin Bosworth

In Loving Memory - Panelist Martin Bosworth
January 25, 1975 - February 17, 2010

Meet The Author: Greg Cox

I enjoyed the privilege of meeting Greg Cox last week.  Greg is a prolific science fiction author who has penned a number of successful novels based upon Star Trek including well known, original stories about Khan Noonien Singh and omnipotent entity Q.  But he is perhaps best known for his novelizations of various hit movies among which are The Dark Knight Rises, Underworld and the soon to be released, Man of Steel.  

Greg had been invited to speak in a forum at the Library of Congress.  I heard about it through the grapevine and was able to attend the presentation which was entitled,  

Greg also counts among his many credits novelizations of several comic book series including Infinite Crisis, 52 and Final Crisis.  The presentation was very enjoyable and informative.  Afterwards, we lunched with LOC staffers and I got to tag along with Greg on a personal tour of the Main Hall.  Many thanks to Helen Hester-Ossa for arranging Greg's visit.  

Greg was kind enough to consent to talk on camera before departing our capital city.  Check out the FANTASTIC FORUM website for the complete interview with Greg Cox.  And you may learn more about him via this link:  Greg Cox Official Website 

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