In Loving Memory - Panelist Martin Bosworth

In Loving Memory - Panelist Martin Bosworth
January 25, 1975 - February 17, 2010

Awesome Con DC!

This weekend marked the first annual Awesome Con DC!  The event was organized by Ben Penrod in response to the absence of a major comic convention in DC.  Ben is the mastermind behind the Annapolis Comic Con as well as the Southern Maryland Comic Con and he knows how to put on a good show.  The convention was well attended and very enjoyable.

FANTASTIC FORUM was there in support of our new hometown con.  I was delighted to be tapped as the moderator for Q&A panels featuring the likes of ERNIE HUDSON, BILLY WEST and PHIL LAMARR.  And I wasn't alone, either.  Producer/host Patrick Michael Strange was the emcee for the Kids' Costume Contest and Art Show.  Kudos to Patrick for performing double duty.  In addition to his convention assignments he was also conducting interviews all weekend!  We got some great material that you'll see in upcoming episodes and some racy bonus feature stuff, too.   And I'd be remiss if I failed to mention the excellent job of director/cameraman Alvin Jones.  Thanks, Alvin!

Ultimately, I can't say enough about the amazing job that Ben and the Awesome Con staff did in putting the show together and keeping it well managed through the weekend.  And the convention has already booked the Walter E. Washington Convention Center for next year.  To the delight of local fans it looks as if Awesome Con DC is here for the duration!  And knowing what I do about Ben I'm confident that the second annual installment will be even more awesome than the first.

Patrick and I took lots of pictures during the weekend.  And you can see 'em all by visiting the Fantastic Forum Facebook page!  Awesome Con DC Pictures Click Here!

Keep watching, the best is yet to come!

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