In Loving Memory - Panelist Martin Bosworth

In Loving Memory - Panelist Martin Bosworth
January 25, 1975 - February 17, 2010

Meet the Author: Glen Weldon

On July 14, I attended a Q&A over at Politics and Prose bookstore.  The speaker was Glen Weldon, NPR contributor and author of Superman: The Unauthorized Biography.

Glen enthralled the audience with his in depth knowledge of the history of mighty Man of Steel.  This book required many hours of detailed and exhaustive research.   I'd been familiar with some of the information as a result of my own familiarity with the character as well as having heard Glen during a guest appearance he made on WAMU 88.5 FM's The Kojo Nnamdi Show on National Public Radio earlier that week.  In fact, I actually called in and spoke with Glen.  I made a comment about the fascinating nature of the dual identities of Superman and Batman.  You see, time was that Superman's Clark Kent identity and Bruce Wayne's Batman were the fictions.  Today we see just the opposite with Superman actually identifying himself as Kent and the Wayne persona being the fiction while Batman is that character's true face.  My observation was good enough for Glen to remember me when I approached him to autograph copy of his book.

It turns out that Glen and I share a common acquaintance.  FF host, Devon Sanders, plays Heroclix with him.  Devon knows everybody and once I dropped his name I was in good standing with Glen.  He was all too happy to speak on camera for an interview that you'll see as exclusive web content on the FF internet site.

As an added bonus, I happened to meet Mike Rhode there, too.   Mike writes a terrific blog on the happenings in the District of Columbia comics scene, ComicsDC.  He and I had corresponded via email and spoken over the telephone but this was our first meeting face to face.  Mike is wonderfully knowledgeable and I look forward to having him appear as a panelist on the show in the near future.

I spoke with Glen about his making an appearance on FANTASTIC FORUM, as well.  He indicated a willingness to do so and we're very excited about the prospects for having such high profile panelists grace the program.  Keep watching, the best is yet to come! 

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